Experience the Healthfully Difference
Here at Healthfully Farm, we go the extra mile with your health in mind. It is our belief that anything unnatural fed, medicated or injected into an animal creates a subpar farm product, whether it be dairy, eggs or meat. Much of the big ag industry has built up around efficiency and shortcuts. Vaccines, hormones and antibiotics are overused because of the poor living conditions and diets of the animals. At Healthfully Farm, we look to the wisdom of the past to guide us in an animals optimal diet. All feed sources for the animals are completely raw, as they would have been in nature. Hay is unsprayed by chemicals and sundried, a practice that’s been used for centuries. Grain is organic and raw, and assimilates well with the farm animals. For the chickens, grain is soaked in milk or whey to aid in the digestion process. We’re excited to be offering you dairy and eggs as Aajonus Vonderplanitz advised his Amish farmers, and we take no shortcuts. Come experience the Healthfully Farm difference for yourself! We look forward to serving you!
Adam Ambrus
Farm Manager